Matthew 28:18-20 is the command of Jesus which we call the Great Commission. There are 4 verbs in this passage. Which are they?
‘Go’, ‘make dsiciples’, ‘baptize’, ‘teach to obey’

 One of these is the main verb which tells us what Jesus wanted to emphasize. Which is the main verb?

The main verb is ‘Make disciples’.

A disciple is a student; someone who is learning from a master and becoming like that master.

 Theother three verbs are participles which show us how.

 ‘Go’: Get on with it. ‘As you go’ through life this is what you should always have in mind – make disciples.

 ‘Baptising’ represents Stage 1: Evangelism – proclaim the gospel, bring people to faith in Jesus, celebrate that through baptism.

 ‘Teaching’ sums up Stage 2: Discipling – grow Christians to maturity. Obedience to all Jesus commanded implies very significant life transformation.

 If disciples are to obey all that Jesus commanded that includes this command!
In other words, all disciples are to become disciple-makers.

 Discipling is a cyclic process much like parents raising children to be parents who can raise children, and so on.

 What is a disciple?
disciple of Jesus Christ is a student of Jesus who is learning from Him and becoming like Him in thought, character and actions.

 That being so, then what is our goal in disciple-making?

The New Testament uses various descriptions:
Maturity  e.g.: James 1:4
Holiness  e.g.:2 Corinthians 7:1
Godliness  e.g.: 1 Timothy 4:7,8
Perfection  e.g.: Colossians 1:28,29
Obedience  e.g.: Matthew 28:20
Ministers  e.g.: Matthew 4:19, Hebrews 5:12

But perhaps the most important is…Christlikeness

Romans 8:29
Those whom God had already chosen he also set apart to become like his Son, so that the Son would be the first among many believers.
(See also: 1 Corinthians 15:49, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Ephesians 4:13,15, Colossians 3:9,10,
1 John 4:17)
The other verses listed say the same thing.

What is Christ like?

 Can we be like Him?

And help others be like Him?

Review this sermon and think about the following questions:
Do you disagree with any of the above?
What does this mean for your own discipleship?
What does it mean for your church?
What does it say about your role?
Does your church have the goal of helping people become Christ-like?
How can we help people become like Jesus?