Isaiah 25:6-9,  Mark 16:1-8, I Corinthians 15:1-11.

To say that the world is a little crazy could be an understatement. On Easter Day Christians celebrate the culmination of the Easter story, the resurrection of Jesus. On the other hand, shops pile their shelves high with chocolate Easter bunnies.

 Paul’s letter to the Corinthians was probably written during the AD 50s, about twenty years after the events of the first Easter. In today’s passage Paul is appealing to the tradition that was central to the Corinthian church, namely that Jesus had died, was buried and was then raised to life. What’s more, many people still alive at the time of his writing had seen Jesus. Possibly the only creedal saying that was common to the whole church can be found in verses 3-5. Notice the importance that Paul places on the fact that these events were the fulfilment of the Scriptures. He wanted them to be confident in their faith. But unfortunately the Corinthians were wavering in their understanding.

 Remember the sadness of Good Friday. Two days later everything had changed. Jesus had come alive! Over the next few weeks loads of people met Jesus so they were witnesses to that fact that he was alive. We are going to check out some of them.

Who were they?
What was their connection to Jesus?
How did they know he was alive?
How was their life changed as a result?

 A witness is someone who was there, someone who has seen the evidence.

First witnesses: the three women in the Bible reading.

 Who were they? Mary Magdalene, Salome, Mary the mother of James.

 What was their connection to Jesus? Friends and relatives of Jesus.

 How did they know he was alive? They watched him die on the cross, they knew he was buried in the tomb in the garden, it was a rush to get him buried because the Sabbath began, and his body was not properly prepared. They came back on Sunday morning to finish the preparation of his body and found he was gone. They’d wondered how they would get in but found the stone rolled away. They were told by a man in shining white that Jesus had risen and planned to meet his disciples.

 How was their life changed as a result? Initially they were afraid until after they met Jesus. Then they walked and talked with him. He is alive, for ever. That means he is always with them.

 Second witness: Peter

 Who is he? Simon, but Jesus renamed him Peter or Cephas which means ‘Rock’

 What was his connection to Jesus? One of Jesus’ closest followers – his Lead Disciple – who saw him feed thousands, walk on water (even help Peter walk on water), saw him arrested and then denied knowing who Jesus was three times (said shamefacedly).

 How did Peter know Jesus was alive? The women said that an angel had specifically told them to tell Peter that Jesus was alive, he met Jesus on the day he came alive, on the beach early in the morning and other times. He knew it was Jesus and not a ghost!

 How was his life changed as a result? Jesus forgave him for letting him down and gave him a new task to help others become followers of Jesus.

 Paul had also mentioned the ‘Twelve’ in his letter. The ‘Twelve’ were identified as Jesus’ companions which included Peter. The identity of the ‘more than five hundred’ is uncertain but they may have been the followers Jesus met in Galilee. ‘James’, the half-brother of Jesus, did not believe until after the resurrection. ‘All the apostles’ was an inclusive term taking in the twelve and others involved in the spread of Christianity.

Third witness: Paul

 Who was he? Known also as Saul, came from Tarsus in Syria.

 What was his connection to Jesus? A very intelligent and religious man who persecuted the early Christians.

 How did he know Jesus was alive? He met Jesus personally as he was travelling to Damascus in pursuit of Christians.

 How was his life changed as a result? The Bible reading (verses 10,11) tell us his life was transformed!

 All these people had met Jesus and were convinced that he was alive. None of them was expecting this. But after they met Jesus, they were never the same again. We do not meet Jesus in quite the same way as they did but this church is full of people who have met Jesus and have been changed. We can have hope and need not be afraid. How has meeting Jesus changed you?