Belmont Presbyterian Church St. Margaret’s

100th Annual Report for the year ended 30th June, 2010

Mission Statement: “To grow in Christ and serve Him in love.”

Minister:                             O. Rogers

Session:                               D.Anstiss,  D. McKeown,  P. McKeown,  S. Isaac

Board of Managers :       S. Angus, K.J. Yoon, M.Evetts

Treasurer :                          D. McKeown

Envelope Secretary:       J. Sealy

Honourary  Auditor:         C. North

Notice of Annual General Meeting:

The Annual General Meeting of the congregation will be held in the Church

on Sunday, 15th August 2010, after the morning service


Opening by the Moderator


Minutes of the 2009 AGM

Reports: adoption after discussion

Treasurer’s Report

Election of Auditor and thanks

Election of Board of Managers

General Business


Minutes of the 99th Annual General Meeting

Sunday, 6th September 2009

The meeting was opened by the moderator, Rev Owen Rogers.

The minutes of the previous AGM were adopted.

The annual reports were adopted.

The treasurer presented his report, which was adopted after a general discussion of the budget.

Colin North was elected as the honourary auditor for the coming year.

The Board of Managers was re-elected for another term.

Cyril Hicks proposed a general vote of thanks from the meeting to all who have contributed to the life of the church.

The meeting closed with a benediction.

Annual Reports, 2010

Minister’s Introduction

It has been a big year for us at St. Margaret’s. Our Centenary has been the main event of the year and we all rejoiced in the celebration in May. It was great to renew friendships with so many who came to the celebration and, for me, to meet people and hear stories from St. Margaret’s past. I feel I know a lot more and have a greater share in this church. I reflect that many people have contributed to this church through to the present, however, it is we who are here now who will take St. Margaret’s into the future. What will that future be? We do not know the detail until it unfolds, but I believe that the One who is directing us has good plans and is moving us forward, building on and improving on the present. Jeremiah 29:11-13 (condensed) “The Lord says, I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring about a future full of hope. You will come and pray to me and I will answer you. You will seek me and you will find me because you will seek me with all your heart.”

Board of Managers

The work of your board has carried on throughout the year with the continuing frustration of not being able to perform all the necessary tasks we should be undertaking, due to lack of funds. This mainly relates to the maintenance on what is now an old building, with all the associated problems that age brings.

One event we were involved in supporting, and helping wherever we could, the Centenary Committee with their preparations for our centenary. This event was an outstanding success and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended and those who played some part in preparations.

In preparation for this, the lower part of the interior walls of the church was painted, with the help of many hands. Our thanks to Robert Alexander for his generous donation toward the cost of the paint.

The information sign in the front garden was redesigned during the year and we feel this is a vast improvement advertising our presence in Belmont.

We acknowledge the major contribution the proceeds from our Op Shop makes to the finances of the church. The loyalty and support of those who serve week by week in the shop is very much appreciated by the board.

With the predicted rate rise on our two properties, the monthly Assembly Assessment fee to Wellington being increased for the coming year and other urgent items needing our attention, we need your continued financial support for our stewardship to continue.

Shirley Angus

Maggie’s Mart

It has been an extra-ordinary year for our shop with sales raeaching approximately $40,000. When our treasurer put down this figure in the 2009-2010 projected budget, we felt it was unattainable, but with the loyalty and hard work of the staff, this result has been achieved.

We have kept the prices on all our articles at a reasonable level and we have been told on numerous occasions that we have the most reasonably priced goods locally. We feel this has advantages for the middle class area in which our shop is located and with the small area within the shop, we need to have a continuous turn over of stock.

The shop continues to make a worthwhile contribution to the Belmont shopping district where people can come in for a chat while purchasing the goods of their choice.

Shirley Angus


This year, Session has been focussed on the centenary celebrations. Session would like to thank Peter McQueen, for the wonderful job he did of leading the centenary committee that organised the event.

We have lost a number of members: Pat Knight passed away last year, Audrey Shaw, Joyce Coleman and Enid Glanville have moved out of the area to live with family, Doris Marsh is no longer able to come to church.

A few parishioners from St Paul’s now worship with us on Sunday morning.

The Girls’ Brigade was disbanded as the number of girls attending had dwindled. The girls were given the option of joining another Girls’ Brigade company.

Session has considered the proposal for one “super” presbytery to replace the presbyteries of Auckland and Northland. Session, like a number of other parishes on the Shore, has not been convinced that there would be any advantage in being part of a “super” presbytery.

Session has spent a lot of time thinking of ways to serve the community, and increase our membership.  Pam McKeown organised a variety concert as a means of getting the local community into our church. We are hoping to organise  a “friendship morning” to open our church to the local community.

Sheila Isaac